Thursday 28 April 2011

BBQ Fish

Today compiled the two fish shops Fangshanglai, housewife had been introduced before a secret shop, but also specialize in fish, called the red bottle, then went to eat a few stores and found that the popular fish shop in the capital have many similarities, such stores are not large, Menlian are not large, even if there is a lot of stores opened, but which has no major stores. Chike eat mostly fish of mainly young people, access groups from three to five people, will be able to eat between two or more flavors of grilled fish, grilled fish stores also cater to the patrons of these tastes will be on the menu lists a dozen flavors to grilled fish, but before the introduction of the red bottle that housewives at home rather special, they breed less, to three or four, but most varieties of fish shop should have a nearly ten. There is also the small fish shop decorations are more to cater to fashion, which makes the bells and whistles, the atmosphere is very suitable to create a friends gathering, so that a small fish shop, there is a couple of tables inside to eat the whole shop it is particularly lively, and price is not too expensive, and partisan of the system will not take to eat a lot of AA, was very natural to please diners, and this may be the fish shop is always the reason for the fire now!

The two were introduced today in the comment line also has a good reputation of the shop, the first is the Wushan grilled fish, grilled fish is said to have a lot of Wushan is counterfeit, because many stores opened, and later to eat at home and introduce that This Wushan fish shop should also have a "river outside the city," the identity that is authentic Wushan grilled whole fish shop. We went to this house is not a head office, is a store, people are more than a little bit before so go eat.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Changsha-style Rice Vermicelli

Hey guys!~ today i will introduce the most favourite food on Changsha,that is Changsha Rice vermicelli. Changsha is hunan provincial capital, and Changsha is famous for Food and Beverage.

Rice Vermicelli is a indispensible part of Changsha person's life. Rice vermicelli could be breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, whatever you want!~ Rice vermicelli can be find everywhere in Changsha! Why they are so interesting in Rice vermicelli? There are three factor to decide it, that is fast chaper and very delicious!. You can taste kind of flavor Rice vermicelli, just need wait 3 mins and spend 5-10yuan!

In Changsha, The most favourite rice vermicelli is Yang Yuxing Noodle House, it is a century-old restaurants and is famous for noodle soup and rice vermicelli. it is more than 50 style of the Rice vermicelli and noodle soup. include deef, offal, chicken soup, seafood, ribs, you can choose what you want!

Monday 25 April 2011

How to cook Honey Roasted

The most delicious way to eat a large row of honey roasted.Often go to the farmers market, there are several butcher's shop, mostly foreigners in the business.Used to go to, in that some sausages on a sink, hanging under the eaves in the dry stalls, get back after some days, can slowly eat.One that frequented, both during the day and meat hole is a woman, men talk to friends playing mahjong flutter, the average person's life probably is the case, mutual tolerance depend on each other occasionally happy.One day last year, the man of the house during the day appeared, told us his wife had accidentally injure his back, anyway, not seen again that day to draw the eye of the woman Miaomei shadow.Before long, the butcher shop on the easy to the owner.Always have inertia, in that unknowingly bought the meat more than two years, and now to re-election, a, is the left or right, as if still a problem.Choice is difficult not difficult to see the type of each sale will clear out.A row of butcher shop, almost every family is the same thing, from the north is relatively straightforward, meat processing is not small, so-called pork rib fan is usually attached to the spine stack together, you want to choose, I'm sorry, all you need to takenext.Only a couple of small, thin row of a small row, row a big row of large, spine is the spine of the separated, sell things are handled very clean, so do not hesitate to change this home.May be doing things this way, contribute to others of a more convenient trip will be rewarded.You requested, just depends on the given.
How to cook Honey Roasted
1, a large row of 1,500 grams, barbecue sauce 1 bag, 1 tsp black pepper, honey, a spoon, spread evenly pickled night.
2, the potatoes with the carrots cut into large pieces hob.
3, shop in the bottom of the oven.
4,200 degrees up and down the fire, roast 50 minutes.

Chinese fast food-Baozi and Jiaozi(dumpling)

A baozi simply known as steamed stuffed bun is a one of Chinese cuisines, it can be filled with meat and vegetarian fillings, and it’s similar as burger to cooked fast and eats convenience. Two types are found in most parts of china: large size: measuring about 10cm across served individually and usually purchased for take-away. Small size measure approximately 3 cm wide and are most commonly eaten in restaurants, each order consists of a steamer containing about 10 pieces. A small ceramic dish is provided for vinegar or soy sauce, both of which are available in bottles at the table in many Chinese cultures, these buns are a popular and widely available, while they can be eaten for breakfast.

Jiaozi also known as Chinese dumpling similar as baozi common dumpling meet fillings include pork mince, lamb mince or beef mince, and usually mixed with chopped vegetables, popular vegetable fillings include cabbage ,spring onion and garlic. Dumpling is always eaten with a soy sauce and vinegar. Jiaozi are one of the major foof eaten during the Chinese New Year many Chinese family east these at midnight on Chinese New Year’s Eve .


Sunday 24 April 2011

Delicious porridge

Congee is particularly suitable for the child's food.Weak children gastrointestinal function, and boiled for a long time because, porridge, the full precipitation of nutrients, so porridge is not only nutritious, and easy to absorb.

Porridge, the top floating in a layer of fine, thick, shaped like the anointing oil of the material, Chinese medicine, called "rice oil", commonly known as porridge oil, it has a strong tonic effect, can be comparable to Ginseng, my children startedcomplementary feeding time, would often give him drink rice soup.

In fact, porridge is very easy way for everyone to say a simple method of gas province:
Dinner can be ready the next day after breakfast, put the rice pot boil, turn off the heat, the warmth to the pot slowly bored, you can rest assured bed.

The next morning, you will find, has been bored into a rice porridge, and then like some of the materials can be added, such as vegetables, melons, or meat and cook for a few minutes to 10 minutes or so, fragrant delicious porridge on the well, is not very provincial gas is also very provincial thing?

he predecessor of hot pot-Chuanchuan Xiang

"Chuanchuan Xiang" is also called "Mala Tang" which is the most popular food reflects the grassroots. Actually, it is the predecessor of hot pot. At present, Mala Tang has been considered as the representative of Sichuan flavor.
It is said that Mala Tang originated in the Chang Jiang River, boatman and the boat tracker are the creators. From Sichuan Yibin to the Three Gorges in Wushan, due to the fast-flowing, trackers usually can not eating food in a fixed place or fixed time. Then these trackers always pick up the stones from the river to support the jar, filling the jar with the water from the river, and add some hot pepper, vegetables and meat in the pot. This is really similar with the hot pot. Later, the vendors find they can make money in this way; hence they transformed the pot and change the dishes. Gradually, Mala Tang move from the river to the store in city.
However, Mala Tang or Chuanchuan Xiang has some significant difference with hot pot. They have different way of eating. Hot pot usually operates by customers themselves, since Mala Tang usually cooking by professional chef, and the only thing customers need to do is eating.

Saturday 23 April 2011

The popular food of chinese national minority

KangQuanYang also know as Whole Roast Lamb is one of the popular dishes in Xinjang and Inner Mongolia, Whole roast lamb is an indispensable dish in grand feast banquets to serve those honored guests and it is usually prepared for a group of people at special parties. Whole roast lamb is originated from Mongolian and Uyghur national minority people most elegant cooking technique, its color, smell and tastes, the shape are renowned at home and abroad. The sheep is selected from XinJiang’s cuisine Altay sheep which is famous for its unique taste, and its biological characteristic can be consider as fat tail.
The following pictures will show the delicious dish and people especially enjoy the skin of the roast lamb which is special crispy and tasty.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Fuzhou traditional dish -- “Fó tiào qiáng”

“Fó tiào qiáng”, English name is “Buddha Jumps over the Wall”, the most famous dish in my hometown Fuzhou. It has more than 100 years of history, it use to receive sihanoukville prince, President Reagan, queen Elizabeth etc in the China’s state banquet, deeply appreciated, so the dish be more famous in the world.

“Fó tiào qiáng”, old name is “Fu Shou Quan” which means getting all lucking and healthy. In Qing dynasty, to curry favor with dignitary, one of Fuzhou officer ask chief cooking a special dish. Chief installed chickens, ducks, mutton, haslet, pigeon eggs and seafood, etc, more than 10 kinds of food material to make it up, give the name with “Fu Shou Quan”. The dignitary taste good. Later, ancient ZhengChunFa has tried to improved the cooking method, and start offer in his restaurants “spring park", people getting crazy at once, a batch of cultural persons to taste the food, after tasting this dish, they are all fascinated by it, one of scholar triggering aimless and sing a way, the meaning is that:”its so delicious that even Buddha smells that will jump over the temple’s wall and come here to eat this” Since then it renamed “Fó tiào qiáng”. In 1965 and 1980, respectively in guangzhou and Hong Kong, south to cook fo jump a wall of fuzhou dishes mainly caused a sensation in the world, raised fo jump a wall heat. Open around the restaurant, multi-purpose Chinese self-proclaimed authentic fo jump a wall dishes, to attract customer

Wednesday 20 April 2011

My favorite Sichuan snack-Mapo Tofu

Mapo Tofu is famous with the test of hemp, spicy, hot, fragrant, crisp, tender and fresh.
The measurement of a good Mapo Tofu is the quality of pepper. There is a myth about Mapo Tofu; it said that in early thirties, Hanyuan pepper which is the best pepper for cooking Mapo Tofu has exhausted, all the dining hall in Sichuan have posted a statement to show this dish stop selling until the end of the war.
Then the flavor of spicy is also significant. Originally, orthodox school Mapo Tofu only uses the watercress which made up with Dahongpao oil for cooking.
Hot in Mapo Tofu means this dish must be eaten immediately after the process of clean wok. For the reason that eating Mapo Tofu at this time you can only find the smell of appetite.
This dish is also very crisp and tender. Hence people usually using ladle when they eating Mapo Tofu.
There is a myth about the person who creates Mapo Tofu. In the Qing dynasty, the boss of Chengdu Manpower sauce store has a daughter with a pockmarked face (in Chinese, pockmarked face and Mapo has same pronunciation), called Qiaoqiao. She is married to an oil mill dispenser. Unfortunately, her husband was dead in an accident. After her husband's death, the lives of Qiaoqiao and her sister became a problem. Fortunately, her neighbors give her rice and vegetables every day. Few years later, Qiaoqiao got a snack shop, which is famous for the Tofu. As a return for others help, she sell the food for a few revenue. Qiaoqiao did not remarry after widowhood, after her death, people in memory of her, put the Tofu cooked by Qiaoqiao called "Mapo Tofu".

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fuzhou flavor snack- fish ball

Fish balls, also known as the "water pills," says "tun Yuwai" ancient. Fish balls are traditional foods in fuzhou, minnan, guangzhou. Because it is delicious, not too greasy, also it can make both dessert ingredients, and soup, loved by coastal people.
In my home town Fuzhou, fish ball is use eel, sharks or freshwater fish, add chopped sweet potato powder, then mix them together as cover, also, put pig lean meat or shrimp inside as stuffing. Then put into cold water pot, boiling them. All those working process are all by hand without any machine. Cook only use their high manual dexterity and one spoon.

"seven"fish ball

There is a story says that in ancient time, there is a fishman fishing in Min River. One day, a businessman take his boat cross the river, but there is a typhoon attacks. When the ship into the harbor, unfortunately, typhoon struck damage. Repairing drag cause a lot of time, and not food anymore, everyday they eat fish for survive. Businessman sigh a way: "everyday fish. Can we change other objectionable taste?" Ship woman said: "the boat already broken grain, only a pack of potato starch." Ship woman gave just caught a big eel, except the thorn, peel, wipe on fish and chop fine made meatball, potato powder, cooked a taste of a trip. Afterwards, the businessman back in the town of fuzhou, then open a "seven," featuring the ship used to cook, women run exclusively "fishball soup". Beginning, business does not prosper. One day, an scholar the attend this store repast. The shopkeeper hospitality, hold out fish balls. Heave the son after a sleep, eat, and feel great. Then leave a poem. The shopkeeper hangs in the shop, the guests to enjoy together. Since then the business is thriving, shop spring day. "Fish" also from seven its name.

Monday 18 April 2011

Popular in the country's traditional Beijing style cuisine - Beijing Sauce Wire

Beijing is the Beijing-style cuisine, Shandong cuisine, ethnic food and halal food court of a combination of three flavors. Its formation history is not long, but the reputation of Beijing Sauce wire dish ah. Beijing food's basic characteristics: choice of materials to stress, take a knife skills, seasoning a lot of change, the furnace should be rigorous, the emphasis is seasonal, what season, what food to eat, what to do when the meal.

Beijing dishes full of many cooking methods, to burst, baking, rinse, cook in soy, slip, deep frying, roasting, frying, chop, simmer, stew, sauce, candied, boiled, flesh and other techniques known. My most favorite dishes to the number of Beijing's "explosive", and do not look to this one word that is diverse burst of Na. "Explosion" can be divided fried, Jiang Bao, Cong Bao, water blasting, soup explosion and so on. Required to do color, smell, taste, shape, five aspects superb device. Introduced before the Chicken Sauce - Peking sauce plot, this point of view that Beijing cuisine in the Sauce is quite a popular. I usually eat Peking Sauce wire will in fact pork with spring onion into the pan and stir fry, this is not easy to eat a mouthful of "Congxiang", but certainly will sell will be greatly reduced. Of course, I also changed the outcome of cucumber green onion, that is pretty good drop. Modified version of it later on, this time to an authentic first. That time can have a comparison is not. Beijing Sauce wire used to do the light blue is a good scallion, pork loin wire selection. Bought tofu skin eat boiled water would be more hygienic. Choose sweet bean paste sauce, miso and sugar can also choose to modulation.

Sunday 17 April 2011

my favourite chinese food-Peking Roast Duck

Beijing Roast duck  
Rost duck is a famous dish in Beijing; the dish is prized for the thin, crispy skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook. The meat is eaten with pancakes, spring onions, and sweet bean sauce.
The well-know All-Duck Banquet is headed by Quanjude in which the most famous restaurant are supported by over 400 dishes with characteristic flavor. The main dishes of All- Duck Banquet include Mustard duck web, Boiled duck liver, Hot and spicy shredded duck wing and so on. The following picture shows the delicious Peking Roast Duck.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Inroduction of Chinese chūn-jǔan

Chinese chūn-jǔan, also called chun-pin, is Chinese folk popular traditional snack, which has a long history. In western culture, it usually called spring roll. In China, people eat chun-juan as we called spring roll during the spring festival, see the spring in, and hope that everything goes well in the new year.

Chinese chun-juan is developed from chun-pan, chun-pan is start from Jin Dynasty, at that time people put different kinds of food on a wrapper, and eat them together, its kind like today’s pizza, but long time before it, as time goes on, in Son Dynasty, as a story goes that there is a student, in order to prepare exam, fiddling around assiduously study, often neglected. So his wife put meat and vegetable as filling, roll into a wrapper, simple and convenient. Later on, this student got a great result, when spring festival coming, they eat this roll as celebrate both of happy even, and this chun-juan(spring roll) was coming, and gradually popular in urban and rural parts. With the development of technology and improve cook, chun-juan has become smaller and more delicate, its not only a folk snack, as a palace pastry. In Qing dynasty court “the Chinese Feast” chun-juan is one of nine main snack ways.

Nowadays chun-juan usually filling generally with the bean sprouts, leek, bean curd doing, some still put shredded meat, rounded, chopped green onion, more advanced chun-juan responded with prawns or oyster, shrimp, mushrooms, Spring rolls with micro fire Fried until golden, crisp outside and soft inside, has Two flavors, a safe sweetener salty, still popular with people.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Hunan cuisine

welcome my blog! I will introduction my hometown food that is Hunan food( Hunan cuisine). Hunan cuisine sometime called xiang cuisine, consists of cuisine or food the xiang River region.

Hunan cuisine is one of the eight regional cuisines of China and is similar with Sichuan cuisine, are hot spicy flavor. chilli peppers, shallots and garlic are three most important flavouring on the Hunan cuisine, xiang cuisine is known for being dry hot and purely hot, as similar as Sichuan cuisin. Sichuan cuisine is known for its distinctive hot and numbing, and Sichuan peppercorns along with chilies which are often dried. However, hunan cuisine is often spicier by pure chili content, contains a larger variety of fresh ingredients, tends to be oilier,and is said to be purer and simpler in taste, hunan cuisine uses smoked and cure goods in its dishes much more frequently.

As last, i will introduction kinds of hunan cuisine foods in the future day. So, you can pay close attention to my blog!~

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Etiquette for using chopsticks

Chopsticks are utensils, which used for pick up food and sent them to the mouth. Chopsticks are originated in China; it has become a commonly used dietary instrument in Southeast Asian nation at present. Then, the question is that how can we use chopsticks in a right way.

First of all, the most significant etiquette is that when you pick the food you should not put it back to the dishes. Then using chopsticks point on someone is forbidden, meanwhile inserting chopsticks into a bowl of rice is also impolite. Another mistake people usually made is that they are likely using chopsticks to beat bowl when they are waiting for the meal, this is really impolite especially when you dinner your friend. The way of place chopsticks is also very stress. Chopsticks should been put on chopsticks frame however people always place it on the bowl.

Chopstick is a great invention in the history of human civilization. These two simple sticks applied the application of physics of leverage. As an extension of human finger, chopsticks do not afraid of high fever, chilling.

Compare with folks and knife, chopsticks have many advantages. According to Japanese scholars' research, there are more than 80 joints and 50 muscles in motion when people using chopsticks. Therefore using chopsticks could help the user train their brain.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

History of Min cuisine

Min cuisines, China's eight regional cuisines, experienced one of the han culture and local central ancient YueZu culture mixing, communication and gradually formed. According to the village of MinHou GanZe town persistence in stone mountain teachings neolithic sites preserved ancient Neolithic age that Fujian used cooker TaoDing and connecting kitchen, proof in fuzhou area they start baking food by using   fictile before 500 years ago.

On the other way, Fujian is China's famous hometown of overseas, it can not be ignore that Chinese import new varieties of food and some novel condiment, which   enrich Fujian food culture and content. Fujian people's pass and overseas, especially in southeast Asia people's longtime, overseas diet custom also gradually to infiltrate Fujian people's eating life, thus with open characteristics may become a kind of unique cooking.

As early as two jin, south and north dynasties "coup of YongJia" later, large quantities of scholar form central plains of China come to Fujian and brought the central advanced science and technology culture, and fujian mixture of GuYue culture and exchange, promoted local development. After Tang dynasties, Fujian has begun to use red kojic rice as cooking condiments. muggle state Rou phase, and half of red kojic rice, soft slippery anointed embellish, entrance diaspora." because of using monascus, red also becomes the main tonal may cooking aesthetics, special aroma of red vinasse also became cooking is often used condiments, red vinasse fish, red vinasse chicken, red vinasse meat are Fujian main dishes, "cooking of red kojic rice" has become Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou trading production for foreign country, cultural exchanges have become increasingly frequent, overseas skill also introduced into Fujian at inherit the traditional skill, and on the basis of the essence of steal each dish, rough, satiny custom, adjusted inner-cinnabar gradually towards fine, delicate, elegant character evolution that developed into style of Min cuisine system.

Sunday 10 April 2011

introduction of sushi

The traditional form of sushi is fermented fish and rice, preserved with salt in a process that has been traced to Southeast Asia, where it remains popular today.The term sushi comes from an archaic grammatical form no longer used in other contexts; literally, "sushi" means "sour-tasting", a reflection of its historic fermented roots. The vinegar produced from fermenting rice breaks down the fish proteins into amino acids. This results in one of the five basic tastes, called umami in Japanese. The oldest form of sushi in Japan, narezushi, still very closely resembles this process. In Japan, narezushi evolved into oshizushi and ultimately Edomae nigirizushi, which is what the world today knows as "sushi". Contemporary Japanese sushi has little resemblance to the traditional lacto-fermented rice dish. Originally, when the fermented fish was taken out of the rice, only the fish was consumed and the fermented rice was discarded. The strong-tasting and smelling funazushi, a kind of narezushi made near Lake Biwa in Japan, resembles the traditional fermented dish. Beginning in the Muromachi period (AD 1336–1573) of Japan, vinegar was added to the mixture for better taste and preservation. The vinegar accentuated the rice's sourness and was known to increase its shelf life, allowing the fermentation process to be shortened and eventually abandoned. In the following centuries, sushi in Osaka evolved into oshi-zushi. The seafood and rice were pressed using wooden (usually bamboo) molds. By the mid 18th century, this form of sushi had reached Edo (contemporary Tokyo). The contemporary version, internationally known as "sushi", was created by Hanaya Yohei (1799–1858) at the end of the Edo period in Edo. The sushi invented by Hanaya was an early form of fast food that was not fermented (therefore prepared quickly) and could be eaten with one's hands at a roadside or in a theatre.Originally, this sushi was known as Edomae zushi because it used freshly caught fish in the Edo-mae (Edo Bay or Tokyo Bay). Though the fish used in modern sushi no longer usually comes from Tokyo Bay, it is still formally known as Edomae nigirizushi.

Introduction of Sichuan food

Sichuan province is located at southwest of china, then Sichuan food (usually called "Sichuan cuisine") is represented by Chengdu and Chongqing cuisine. Sichuan cuisine is known as spicy and hot. As one of Chinese best eight cuisine, it has an important position in Chinese cooking history.

Unlike other cuisine Eight, Sichuan cuisine has its own museum, which is the only museum to display the content of cuisine culture theme of the living museum. Sichuan cuisine museum located at Pixian old town, it contains four main areas.

The first one is Diancang Pavilion; books, graphic and artifacts have been displayed here. Visitors can learn the origin of Sichuan culture and the evolution of the Sichuan culture. Visitor could find the different instruments used to product and people's living habits at different times.

Recreation Center embodies the Sichuan tea culture, which is also defined as a part of Sichuan food culture. In Sichuan tea culture, tea drinking is an integral part. Sichuan people drink tea in the form eclectic: drinking tea under the sunshine in spring and autumn; drinking tea under the woods when summer coming. Visitors could experience the tea culture here.

The next one is Interactive Demo Pavilion where cooking process has been displayed here. Visitors can participate in interactive, learn how to cook Sichuan food and test their achievement.

The last one is Kitchen temple. It was build to enshrine and worship the god of food. Sichuan food material display area showing the tools used to cooking at earlier generations.

To sum up this is the general introduction for Sichuan food (or Sichuan cuisine).

The traditional food in my hometown

Welcome to our blog, I am glad to introduction the local Chinese food in my hometown. My hometown named Luoyang where is located in the south of Yellow River in China. Shui Xi or Water Banquet (also call soup banquet) is unique traditional cuisine. There are two reasons for its name firstly, unlike the usual custom in China; the dishes served during the banquet are brought one after another, like the flowing water, hence the name “water banquet”. The second reasons is Shui Xi comprising 8 cold and 16 warm dishes cooked in various broths, gravies, That around third of the dishes is accompanied by different soups. The first and highly reputed is named Luoyang Yan Cai, made of radish shreds, chicken shreds, minces pork and other vegetable simmered in soup it have delicious taste and looks good.

Welcome to our blog !!!

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